Lawrence Njume Data Science

My Expertise

I have a background in business and I believe my training in innovation and ability to communicate ideas well will be invaluable as I grow as a coder. I am interested in automation and deep learning classification problems. I enjoy writing small scripts to leave the repeditive work for the machines and free up others to explore what they enjoy about their career. I'm focusing on becoming an expert in Keras and Redshift.


I write my code in Python 3 and SQL, but I am interested trying out more in R and Scala.


Currently, I am exploring Keras and Airflow with interests in exploring what is possible with image recognition.

Operating Systems

I experiment best with my python packages though a linux based system as I am more familiar with its terminal, and I currently opperate on MacOS.

Featured Projects

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ASL Translator

  • Convelutional Neural Network
  • Confusion Matrix
  • ROC Curve

This is an image-based translator for American Sign Language. It reads images and can classify them based on the ASL alphebet. I am interested in pushing this project until it mirrors the ease of the Google Translate.

Check it out
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Scheduled Binger

  • Airbnb's Airflow - Auto runs daily
  • Reddit Scraping - Praw API tool
  • Selenium - Chrome Webdriver

A bot that backs up a strict daily requirement for consecutive Binging. Interacts and uses a randomly generated webpage.

Check it out Demo Here
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Loan Prediction

  • Logistic Regression
  • Random Forest Classificaiton
  • Imputing Missing Values

We worked in groups for our first Hackathon to predict whether or not a customer should be given a loan. The biggest part of this project was figuring out how to solve for messy data with missing values.

Check it out
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Hasbro Financial Analysis

  • Quarterly Earnings Reports
  • Minitab 17 & Excel

During my last year at NJIT I made a financial evaluation of Hasbro as a buy, sell, or hold for my capstone. Using Minitab 17 predictions, quarterly earnings reports, annual reports, rumors, and a recent acquisition\deal. I go into more detail on my resume.

Check it out